A purple graduation cap icon sits centered on a textured purple background, symbolizing education and achievement in a likely digital or app context.


Online learning hub - helping to enhance your understanding of the LGPS

Develop and expand your Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) knowledge with our new online training hub, Enlighten.

Made specifically for LGPS Committees, Local Pension Board Members, and LGPS Officers, Enlighten provides a series of bitesize training videos which will develop your understanding of the LGPS and help you in your role.

There are three courses available on Enlighten today:

  • background to the LGPS which includes an outline of the basic LGPS structure;
  • information about employers which includes employer covenant and contribution rates; and 
  • actuarial information where we take a look at actuarial assumptions and understanding actuarial valuations. 

More videos will be added over time to keep you up to date on the latest developments and to ensure the training moves with the ever-changing landscape.

New members can use Enlighten to develop their LGPS knowledge, while experienced members and officers can use this to refresh their existing knowledge and to fill in knowledge gaps. 

Here's a taste from our video library

What are the benefits to the fund?

  • Free access to baseline training videos for Barnett Waddingham clients
  • Improve the knowledge of your officers and members, enabling them to best deliver in their role to the fund
  • Interactive quizzes to help test understanding
  • Track the progress of your stakeholders to help tailor and monitor their training plans
  • Pick and choose modules to target where knowledge needs to be enhanced
  • Create your own all-access training platform through your personal hub, including your own branding and your other training resources
  • Flexibility of modules – we can record and add fund specific training videos to your hub, so you can ensure the training tool meets your bespoke needs

Get in touch with Barry McKay or your usual contact in the team to find out more and to arrange a demo.