Carbon emissions reporting

CARAT helps organisations build an effective strategy to manage
and reduce their carbon footprint

It is now a statutory requirement for UK quoted companies to report on their global energy use and for large UK businesses to disclose their UK annual energy use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. 

More professional services firms are also working towards becoming more environmentally sustainable and responsible in order to meet the increasing expectations of their clients and employees – and because it’s the right thing to do.

Our GHG and carbon emissions reporting tool

Our CARAT (Carbon Analysis, Reporting And Transformation) model goes beyond statutory reporting to give you practical insights to inform your strategic and operational decision-making.

More than a dashboard, CARAT is an interactive tool that brings to life the narrative around your approach to managing your organisation’s environmental and social impact. Providing in-depth analysis and transparency in GHG and carbon emissions reporting, it helps you to clearly communicate your carbon emissions strategy to leaders, employees, and clients.

How does the GHG and carbon emissions reporting tool work?

CARAT takes your travel data, utility usage, time sheets, and HR information to build a clean picture of who does what, why, and at what cost, linking these behaviours to the overall value they have for your firm’s environmental and carbon emissions targets.

We develop a carbon footprint action plan with clear recommendations and quantified impact. We present this as an engaging, interactive dashboard you can use to build conversations and alignment across your leadership team. We show not just the past but also the predicted impact, value, and cost of the recommendations against a do-nothing baseline.


Need help with your GHG emissions strategy and targets?

If you would like more information about our carbon footprint reporting tools and consultancy services, get in touch with us today.

Contact us