Vivienne Maclure FIA

Partner, Insurance & Longevity Consulting

Viv is a Partner within our Insurance & Longevity Consulting team, assisting clients in understanding longevity, mortality and morbidity risks.

Viv currently acts as Secretary for the Continuous Mortality Investigation (CMI) and has worked extensively with several CMI Committees.

Viv’s involvement with the CMI began when she started working at Barnett Waddingham in 2002, pausing for a number of years, from 2012, whilst she gained wider experience working alongside life insurers before returning to her specialism in longevity.

Viv’s has experience working with life insurers, which has equipped her with background and insight to better assist insurers in understanding their longevity, mortality and morbidity risks from a regulatory and more general risk management perspective.

Significant experience:

  • Supporting the CMI Executive and Management Committees and CMI Directors in overseeing the operation and management of the CMI.
  • Preparation of CMI Working Papers covering regular analysis updates of mortality and morbidity experience and more detailed analyses, such as mortality improvements, mortality experience by industry class and graduations.
  • Project management of the production of the graduations of SAPS ‘S1’ and ‘S2’ series mortality tables and Income Protection ‘IPM 1991-98’ sickness inceptions and drafting the associated collection of working papers.
  • Performing analyses and calculations required by UK insurers to meet regulatory requirements and peer reviewing the Actuarial Function, including internal and external audit support.
  • Reviewing insurers’ governance and risk management systems.


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