Richard Scott ACII

Associate and Senior Penstream Specialist Team Leader

Richard manages a team of system specialists responsible for the implementation, configuration and ongoing support of both new and existing clients on the Barnett Waddingham pension and payroll systems. This covers DB, DC benefits and payroll.

He manages the implementation, delivery and configuration of DB and payroll systems through teamwork and collaboration.

Richard's clients include DB and DC pension schemes.

Significant experience:

  • Nine years DB pension and payroll administration, including five years managing pension payroll with circa 45,000 headcount
  • Ten years pension and payroll consultancy experience supporting an in-house administration team and software platform
  • Five years as implementation manager for a large TPA responsible for implementation for the south of the UK
  • Four years in his current role successfully delivering for our clients

Other expertise 

Richard is fully conversant with Microsoft Excel, Access, Visual Basic application development (plus VBA) and SQL Server and Oracle database SQL skills.Business analysis and some C# skills.


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