Matt Tickle FIA

Partner and Chief Investment Officer

Matt is our Chief Investment Officer and an investment consultant to large defined benefit (DB) schemes, endowments and charities. He advises both trustees and employers on investment strategy, economics, manager selection and implementation under a variety of governance models.

Working with our Head of Investment Research, Matt runs the research team at Barnett Waddingham who are responsible for research into capital markets, managers and our market outlooks. He has over two decades of experience in strategy setting, manager selection, liability hedging, long-term investment de-risking and DC work.

His reputation for providing clear advice has helped him to become a well-known and trusted advisor to a wide range of pension schemes and professionals.

Significant experience:

  • lead investment advisor for the first pensions superfund deal
  • inventive design of liability hedging mechanism reduced the hedging cost by £10m for a client
  • design and implementation of successful risk reduction strategies built around affordability; working with trustees and companies to build appropriate solutions
  • structuring appropriate investment governance frameworks, including implementation advice on the selection of specialist investment managers and building long-term growth strategies
  • manager selection, monitoring and review
  • investment aspects of buy-in transactions including the design of an asset strategy


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