Grace Holtom FIA

Associate and Senior Consulting Actuary

Grace works across a range of clients, helping defined benefit (DB) pension scheme trustees deliver the best outcomes for their members, and with most of her present clients sitting in the not-for-profit and charity sector.

She believes success is best achieved through collaboration with the scheme sponsor and other advisors, clear actuarial advice, and a trusting relationship with trustees. 

Grace is a Lloyds 3 Project Lead, which involves delivering the project and developing Barnett Waddingham’s (BW) firmwide solution for addressing Guaranteed Minimum Pension (GMP) equalisation for historic pension scheme members.

In addition to consulting and development work, Grace is part of a group of line managers who oversee the South West actuarial team across the Cheltenham and Bristol offices. She finds being able to pass on her knowledge and mentor others a very rewarding part of her role.

Most of Grace’s time at BW has been spent working on traditional trustee consulting, so she has built up great expertise in this area. Her experience means she is well-suited to take on the challenge of Lloyds 3 and has been developing this firmwide solution alongside other client work.

Grace’s recent achievements include seeing a client through buyout: supporting the admin team and liaising with the insurer, the scheme lawyers, and the client to meet their timescales and overcome obstacles. This required strong technical ability, detailed knowledge of the scheme and GMP equalisation, consulting skills and project management skills.

Significant experience:

  • Actuarial Consulting (AC) Lloyds 3 project lead who is responsible for ensuring BW has a pragmatic and robust Lloyds 3 solution for clients. She supports consultants across the organisation to tailor and deliver this solution to their clients and leads the project for her own clients.
  • As a line manager and mentor, she has contributed significantly to the development of her local team and in particular, played a key role in helping the team reintegrate post lockdowns.
  • Led and managed projects including data rectification, GMP projects, risk transfer and wind up.
  • Advised on company accounting disclosures.
  • Extensive experience of traditional trustee consulting work, including valuation and factor advice, long-term planning.


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