Dale Cordrey

Associate and Senior SIPP Client Manager

Photograph of Dale Cordrey

Contact details

Dale reviews Barnett Waddingham’s current processes and procedures to ensure they are as efficient as possible using Lean methodology, striving for continuous improvement. In addition, he ensures that processes are incorporating consumer duty requirements and are customer friendly, easy to understand and improve efficiency.

As a key contact for BW’s third party or white-label clients, he helps ensure the smooth delivery of services to clients.

Dale handles regulatory change and assesses how these will impact BW’s operations and customers, assisting in technical information and training as well as updating and creating processes and procedures.

He also deals with complex technical cases which fall out of BW’s business as usual (BAU) processes or require technical input assisting independent financial advisor’s (IFA) clients or individual members.

Dale has an in-depth knowledge of investments and holds a position on our internal investment committee which review the suitability of investments and whether they are prepared to hold the investments within the SIPP.

Significant experience:

  • Providing technical support to advisers on SIPP investments and HMRC rules
  • Providing advisers with bespoke consultancy services and handling technical queries
  • Adopting Lean methodology in reviewing BW’s processes to ensure the best customer outcomes
  • Key account relationship management
  • Mapping out and implementing regulatory change


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