Craig Turnbull FIA

Partner and Head of Regulatory Advisory

Photograph of Craig Turnbull

Contact details

As a partner in the insurance consulting practice, Craig leads the delivery of advisory services to life firms on the regulatory-driven aspects of their investment, risk and capital functions.

Craig’s main area of expertise is in the related fields of insurance investment strategy, economic and financial modelling, risk management and solvency capital assessment. He has deep familiarity with the regulatory solvency framework for UK insurance firms (Solvency II / forthcoming Solvency UK reforms) and the treatment of investment strategies under its Matching Adjustment framework.


Insurance groups, particularly those with pension risk transfer businesses. Asset management groups, particularly those with institutional insurance business..

Significant experience

  • Steering the development of insurers’ Solvency II internal models across a wide range of public and private credit classes and financial market risks.
  • Developing asset-liability cashflow matching and dynamic hedging strategies in the context of credit risk appetite, long-term liquidity requirements, liability inflation links and regulatory expectations.
  • Supporting Matching Adjustment applications and the associated PRA engagement for new private credit asset classes
  • Advising life firms on asset valuation methodologies for securitised credit assets and their underlying mortgage asset portfolios.
  • Advising global asset management group on the development of their institutional insurance proposition and servicing model

Other expertise

Craig has a track record of engagement in research and thought leadership, having been a member of the Bank of England’s Research Steering Committee until joining BW as well as formerly being a member of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries Research and Thought Leadership Board. Craig has published many actuarial papers over his career, and is the author of the book, ‘A History of British Actuarial Thought’.


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