Ali Tayyebi


Ali is a highly experienced scheme actuary with a particular focus on providing trustee advice to large complex clients. Prior to joining Barnett Waddingham, Ali has been scheme actuary to pension schemes with assets ranging from £1bn to £60bn including a number of FTSE 100 pension schemes.

Ali is passionate about making complex issues easy to understand for trustees with all levels of technical experience and expertise to help with engagement and participation of the full Trustee Board. He strives to help trustees to develop clear long-term objectives, with a key focus on the outcomes and benefit security for the membership.

His support helps trustees in establishing effective criteria for all their decision-making and working effectively with their sponsoring employers. He also sits on the PLSA's Defined Benefit Committee, to which he contributes regular subject expertise.

Significant experience:

  • Scheme Actuary to large complex pension schemes
  • supporting trustees in working with sponsors to design and implement journey plans, using contingent funding arrangements and trigger based de-risking
  • complex pension scheme restructuring involving for example partial wind-ups, bulk transfers and liability management exercises 
  • advising multiple pensions schemes with a common sponsoring employer group


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