Adam Walker FIA MA MPhil

Risk Transfer Partner and Scheme Actuary

Adam works as a certified adviser on our Risk Transfer team and is also Scheme Actuary to several schemes which are mainly looking to transact in the market.  

Adam's transaction experience goes back to the late 1990s, and he also has a breadth of previous experience in other specialist areas such as investment consulting and distress cases (particularly PPF cases).

Adam's clients range from less than a million pounds to well over a billion pounds, and he has been adviser to some of his clients for over 20 years. Most of his clients are defined benefit schemes which are now looking to transact with an insurer.

Significant experience:

  • Bulk annuity transactions, with a particular focus on dealing with smaller schemes with particular legal and benefit issues where crossover transaction specialist and Scheme Actuary roles can help.  
  • His Scheme Actuary clients have aggregate assets of around £1.5 billion.
  • Historically, Adam was involved with insolvent buyouts of both small schemes and larger schemes up to £100 million in the days before the PPF, and also solvent buyouts and specialist troubleshooting of problem PPF cases.
  • Adam previously also gave investment advice to DB and DC pension schemes for many years.

Other expertise:

  • Scheme Actuary and other actuarial advice to trustees.

  • Advice to corporates on defined benefit (DB) and defined contribution (DC) pensions.

  • Investment advice to UK DB and DC schemes and also charities.

  • Winding-up work, buy-outs and buy-ins, PPF cases.


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