Lucy Cresswell APMI

Partner and Senior Consultant

Lucy is a Partner and Senior Consultant based in our Cheltenham office and one of the dedicated governance specialists within our Board Management Services team. As well as focussing on the provision of secretarial and governance services, Lucy specialises in supporting special projects.

Lucy has 24 years’ experience of working with a variety of pension and corporate clients across the full spectrum of governance, executive and secretariat services, ranging from FTSE 100 through to charities.

Helping Boards to operate more efficiently amid an ever-changing financial and regulatory environment is one of Lucy’s passions. Whether it be advising on trustee effectiveness, considering the risk posed from cyber threats, or putting in place an effective system of policies and procedures, Lucy believes that the bedrock of a well-run Board is how well it is governed.

Lucy also enjoys supporting clients through projects, including Guaranteed Minimum Pension (GMP) Project Delivery. Having managed our internal project to update our systems and processes to support the administration of equalised GMPs, Lucy is currently helping clients to do the same.

Significant experience:

  • Providing general consulting and scheme management services to full service clients, including a FTSE 250 pension scheme
  • Undertaking governance reviews and advising on the New Code and Effective Systems of Governance
  • Management of projects including benefit re-design, wind-up and scheme mergers
  • Operations Manager to retirement and investment consulting teams, managing strategic decisions, training and recruitment
  • Scheme secretary to a variety of clients, supporting trustees and pensions managers in the day-to-day smooth running of their pension schemes
  • Cyber security for pension schemes
  • Advising trustee boards on trustee effectiveness


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