Barnett Waddingham has been the provider and administrator of a full SIPP product and a simplified pensions drawdown product for NFU Mutual clients since 2006 and 2015 respectively. From 18 January 2023, NFU Mutual will no longer provide advice in respect of your pension with us or its investments. However, we continue to administer your pension and are here to help you.
Perhaps the best thing you can do to keep track of your pension is to register for our SIPPs Online portal. You can find out more about the features of SIPPs Online and how to sign up here. Alternatively, you can contact us by email at or call us on 0344 443 0111.
A great way to stay informed is via our Quarterly Insights email, a compilation of pensions hot topics, case studies and briefings on important topics like drawdown and property sent to your inbox each quarter. Simply opt in to our SIPP marketing communications here.
While we continue to administer your pension, keep track of your investments, send your annual statement and, where relevant, accept your contributions or pay out pension benefits, we cannot give you financial or investment advice. If you are in doubt, we would always recommend speaking to a financial adviser.
To obtain information about your funds, which are provided and managed by NFU Mutual, please contact them via email - - or on 0800 622 323. If you simply wish to buy or sell funds, please email us.
Self-invested pensions - Knowledge hub
Our Self-Invested Personal Pensions (SIPP) and Small Self-Administered Schemes (SSAS) are used by people wanting to invest their pension money in commercial property or with discretionary fund managers.
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