Understanding Germany’s pension reforms
The new German legal framework, Betriebsrentenstӓrkungsgesetz (BRSG), brought in a number of changes to Germany’s occupational pensions system. As well establishing the legislation for the introduction of pure DC plans, the BRSG has implications for company pension costs where a “salary sacrifice” arrangement is being operated.
What you will take away from this webinar
MBWL's live webinar, recorded on 3 June 2020, discussed the background to these legislative changes for company pension schemes in Germany, helping their attendees to understand the potential impact and effectively navigate the risks. They also provided recommendations on how to best adopt the new legal framework.
You can now view this webinar to hear from Marc Oliver Heine, Partner of Lurse Pensions & Benefits Consulting, Germany, and Director of MBWL International,. He outlined the implications of the reforms to German company pension law from the perspective of the employer, what it will mean for industry-wide pension plans in Germany, and how businesses can work directly with employees to achieve mutually desired outcomes. In this context, Marc Oliver also presented the key results of Lurse´s latest German pension benefits survey.
Don't miss out
This session will give you a rare chance to have your questions answered by those with truly in-depth knowledge of the German pension industry.
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