Overview of the Local Government Pension Scheme
10:00 - 14:45 | Virtual

The event has now ended.
For LGPS Committees, Local Pension Board Members, and LGPS Officers.
Especially for new Committee and Local Pension Board Members and for LGPS Officers, but also for those who liked to refresh their knowledge, these live interactive training webinars focused on providing an overview of the Local Government Pension Scheme.
They covered the structure of the scheme and its key stakeholders, and provided a summary of its benefits, costs, and how it was governed. They also provided online networking opportunities
What topics are covered?
- An overview of the scheme structure, the rules & regulations, key documents & policies
- Reviewing the key stakeholders, who may participate & their key duties
Benefit Summary & Employee Costs
- Explaining how final salary & career average pensions work
- An overview of the benefit structure, the cost to employees & the interaction with pension tax, annual & lifetime allowances
Employer Costs & Cost Caps
- Looking at how benefits are funded, triennial funding & other valuations & cost control in the LGPS, considering current issues & potential future changes
- A summary of overriding governance arrangements & the national structure
- Looking at the key governance terminology & organisations, DLUHC, SAB & TPR, the role of the committee & local pension board, & changes proposed by the Good Governance project
There will be a 30 minute lunch break and opportunity for online networking 12:15 to 12:45
Course date
The training is delivered in one session which will be available on the following date.
- 28 July 2022
Registration 10:00 to 10:15 | Training 10:15 to 14:45