DC pensions: critiquing consolidation

The DC Pensions Conference 2021 (November 15-19) brought together hundreds of trustees, in-house pension managers and HR and Benefits professionals to gain fresh perspectives on DC pension topics and strategies.
Watch this video from the final stream of our DC Pensions Conference.
The pensions world seems to be a merry-go-round, with governments and heads of industry following the last ‘big thing’ to have worked on a different continent. In our final stream we explore what the future of pensions may look like.
You'll hear from The Honourable Nicholas Sherry, former Minister for Superannuation and the architect of compulsory pension saving in Australia. Nick discusses the key drivers behind consolidation in Australia and how this resonates with what’s going on in the UK.
We follow this with a look at how the decisions we’re making now will affect future generations of people. What does the new generation of people entering the workforce want from the pension system? And how should the system be best designed to meet these demands?
You can also watch the videos from our other streams here.
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