Cost-of-living crisis: the gender pay gap and data analytics

As an employer have you considered taking a more gendered approach to the cost-of-living crisis? See how you can use data analytics to support women employees and help close your organisation’s gender pay gap. 

More women than men are going to be impacted by the cost-of-living squeeze because low pay is a more gendered issue. 60% of jobs that are paid below the Living Wage are held by women and the ONS reported a 15.4% pay gap.

However, where many women previously accepted a lesser role or lower pay in order to prioritise location or flexible working arrangements (e.g., to care for children), the cost-of-living crisis is forcing them to consider other, better paid opportunities. 

Organisations need to make sure they are taking the right steps to retain women employees, or risk losing female talent and turning the clock back on their progress towards closing the gender pay gap. 

Melissa Blissett shows how you can use data analytics to understand your organisation’s DNA – what makes it unique – in order to help close the gender pay gap. We call this your ‘Employer DNA.

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