Barnett Waddingham's BW SIPP business has been rated Strong for financial strength in the provider sector in the latest assessment by AKG, a trusted independent organisation specialising in financial analysis and review services.
This rating reflects our consistent performance and robust operational and strategic capabilities, underpinned by a strong commitment to delivering high-quality self-invested personal pension (SIPP) services.
These independent assessments provide valuable reassurance for financial advisers conducting due diligence on potential partners. Our strong AKG rating underscores our financial stability and operational excellence, ensuring that partnering with us not only safeguards your clients’ interests but also enhances their confidence in you.
Key highlights from the 2024 AKG Report:
Consistency and stability: We are proud to have maintained a B rating for eight consecutive years, demonstrating our stability and resilience.
Strong financial performance: Regulatory capital resources were at 171% of the required threshold as of May 2024.
Significant growth: Assets under Administration for BW SIPP increased by 41% (for the 12 months to 31 May 2024), reaching £21.3bn, driven by strong inflows and positive market performance.
Service excellence: Rated as “Very Good,” we continue to deliver outstanding service quality, reflected in improved turnaround times, and a reduction in customer complaints.
Investing in technology to support growth
At BW, we are committed to continuous improvement. Our investment in technology, especially the ongoing development of SIPP360®, will ensure we can provide scalable, seamless solutions for our clients, even as we grow. This forms a key part of our strategy to enhance operational efficiency and future-proof our services.
Looking ahead
As part of our growth strategy, we continue to explore new opportunities for white-label SIPP partnerships, extending our high-quality SIPP services to a broader audience. By relying on our technology, operational scalability, pensions-technical specialism and support, partners can concentrate on what they do best to fulfil their growth ambitions.
Key statistics
Some of the key statistical information about BW SIPP LLP:
- £21.3bn total Assets under Administration
- 86,600 SIPPS administered by BW
- 171% regulatory capital resources coverage
- Four star ratings for service, image & strategy, and business performance
Visit our SIPP service page for more information about the independent, expert services we provide, or contact us by email.
Download the report
This AKG report provides an assessment of financial strength and associated considerations and is for professional use only. The analysis is specifically designed to inform financial advisers of BW SIPP’s operational financial strength.
Download nowConsumer Duty and due diligence advisers' guide
Our updated due diligence guide features extensive new sections on Consumer Duty to provide advisers with the information they need from us as a SIPP provider.
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