Survey of universities’ disclosures 2020: accounting for pension costs

We are pleased to present the results of our tenth survey of the assumptions adopted by UK universities for determining the value of their pension liabilities for accounting purposes.
The main focus of this survey is the Self Administered Trusts (SATs) – standalone defined benefit schemes operated by a number of universities for non-academic staff.
The survey looks at the significance of these schemes in the context of the overall finances of the university, as well as at the assumptions used in their FRS102 disclosures as at 31 July 2020.
"2020 was one of unprecedented challenge for the country as we all grappled with the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic. From a financial point of view, the initial impact of the pandemic was market turmoil, falling bond yields and plummeting equity values."
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View the results of our tenth survey of the assumptions adopted by UK universities for determining the value of their pension liabilities for accounting purposes.
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