Following the May Pensions Summit, the new UK Government intensifies its focus on pension reform with the Pensions Investment Review: Call for Evidence.
We'll analyse the key issues from the pension summit, the government's official statement, and the ongoing pension investment review within twelve questions:
1. Is this really about cost?
2. Will accountability and transparency be impacted by consolidation?
3. Will consolidation guarantee the outcome government is really seeking?
4. Are variations in governance standards more due to decision-maker turnover than fragmentation?
5. Could some negative effects of fragmentation be equally addressed by increased standardisation rather than consolidation?
6. Is it time to clarify fiduciary duty in the LGPS?
7. What affordability measure needs a boost?
8. What is the key focus - investment in UK assets or affordability?
9. What and where in the UK is the Government looking to achieve growth?
10. What needs to happen for co-creation of investment solutions to work?
11. How can the LGPS and Government work better together?
12. If consolidation is the answer, what is the investment question?
Find out more by downloading the full briefing below.

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