At BW, we've always believed in doing things a bit differently. That's why, for the second year running, we've swapped stuffy boardrooms for the great outdoors with our Pensions Walk and Talk event.

Picture this: 40 of the UK's brightest pensions minds, ditching their suits for walking boots, embarking on a 16-mile journey from Buxton to Bakewell (and back!) in the stunning Peak District. It's not your typical industry meet-up, but then again, we're not your typical professional services firm.

We kicked things off the night before with a BBQ at the Pavilion Gardens – a venue that's no stranger to legendary performances, having hosted The Beatles twice in their heyday. While we can't claim our pension professionals broke into a rendition of 'The Long and Winding Road', the conversations certainly were harmonious.

As dawn broke on the day of the walk, our intrepid band of pension experts set out on the Monsal Trail, a former railway line that's now a testament to repurposing and reinvention – much like the pension industry itself. The route, dotted with viaducts spanning rolling rivers and streams and chosen for the inclusive nature of its terrain, provided a stunning backdrop for discussions that ranged from the profound to the playful.

Amidst the natural beauty, our group tackled some of the most pressing issues facing the industry today. The impact of AI on pensions? Discussed while crossing a centuries-old bridge. The ongoing consolidation of DC Master Trusts? Debated as we navigated a particularly tricky stretch of trail. Providing leadership in turbulent economic times? Pondered as we watched abseilers tackle sheer cliff faces – a fitting metaphor for the challenges our industry faces daily.

As we traversed the scenic route, one topic that repeatedly surfaced was the much-anticipated pensions dashboard. Many attendees were eager to discuss its progress, debating whether it will ever come to fruition and the potential impact it could have on the industry and scheme members alike.

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But it wasn't all serious business. Between debates on DB to DC pension transfers and strategies for weathering the cost-of-living crisis, there were lighter moments. England's chances in the Euros were hotly contested, as were claims of the greatest films of all time. It seems navigating the complexities of the buyout journey might be easier than agreeing on whether Gareth Southgate's men have any chance of lifting the trophy later this month!

The walk wasn't without its small hiccups. One participant (who will remain unnamed!) forgot their entire bag of walking gear. But in true pensions industry fashion, a solution was quickly found, with a local sports shop coming to the rescue. 

"We discussed the provision of leadership in turbulent economic times as we watched abseilers tackle sheer cliff faces."

Midway through the journey, the group paused for a well-earned break, refuelling with world-famous Bakewell tarts and topping up their caffeine levels. It was a sweet moment of reflection, both on the miles behind us and the challenges ahead. As treats were devoured, conversations turned to the integration of DC strategies into broader financial wellbeing frameworks and the increasing pressure on pension schemes to demonstrate commitment to sustainable investment.

Throughout the day, our dedicated photographer captured the event, probably clocking more steps than anyone else as he darted back and forth among the group. His photos will serve as a lasting reminder of this unique day – a visual representation of an industry that's willing to step out of its comfort zone and tackle challenges head-on.


As the group completed the final miles back into Buxton, we regrouped at a wonderfully wholesome Greek restaurant, where we enjoyed a well-deserved late lunch. Over plates of souvlaki and glasses of retsina, the conversations continued. The change of government and its potential impact on both DB and DC pensions were hot topics, as was the often-overlooked at-retirement market, with many agreeing it's a sector ripe for innovation. The importance of inclusive and engaging communications was another hot topic, with attendees sharing strategies to better connect with and inform pension scheme members across all demographics.

As the sun set on a day filled with insight, exercise, and camaraderie, it was clear that our Pensions Walk and Talk had achieved something special. We'd created a space where ideas could flow as freely as the streams we'd crossed, where challenges could be discussed with the frankness that comes from shared experience, and where the future of the industry could be shaped in a setting far removed from the typical corporate environment.

The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with many participants eager to lace up their boots for next year's event. And why wouldn't they be? In a world where the pensions industry faces headwinds ranging from volatile markets and geopolitical instability to regulatory pressures and the shift towards sustainable investment, the opportunity to discuss these issues in such an open, collaborative setting is invaluable.

"The path ahead for the pensions industry may be more challenging than the Monsal Trail, but we're confident we're well-equipped for the journey."

Our innovative approach to industry engagement demonstrates our deep understanding of a fundamental truth: the best ideas often come when we step away from our desks and into the world we are aiming to shape.

By creating an event that combines the great outdoors with intellectual discourse, we've provided a platform for the kind of deep, meaningful conversations that can drive the industry forward.

And the event proved beyond doubt, you properly talk to someone as you walk beside them!

As we look to the future, one thing is clear: the path ahead for the pensions industry may be longer and more challenging than the Monsal Trail, but with events like the Pensions Walk and Talk, and thought leaders like our attendees leading the way, we're confident that we're well-equipped for the journey. After all, as any good hiker knows, it's not just about reaching the destination - it's about the conversations, insights, and connections (and new friendships) we make along the way.  

So here's to the Pensions Walk and Talk, and to an industry that's not afraid to step out, speak up, and stride forward. Until next year's walk, we'll keep talking, keep innovating, and above all, keep moving forward.

If you'd like to be part of next year's adventure, we'd love to have you join us!

The Pensions Walk and Talk has quickly become a highlight of the industry calendar, offering a unique blend of professional insight and personal enjoyment. And remember – you don't have to be a seasoned hiker, all of our walks are accessible no matter what your fitness levels.

To register your interest for next year's walk, simply fill out the form below. Don't miss this opportunity to network, share ideas, and shape the future of pensions – all while enjoying some of the UK's most breathtaking scenery. We promise the conversations will be as invigorating as the walk itself!

Interested in being part of our next Pensions Walk and Talk?

Drop us your details and we'll be in touch as soon as we have more information.

Press and media enquiries

For further information, please contact our press team on +44 149 478 8813 or via email.


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