How employers can maximise value from their private medical scheme
Get the most of your private medical scheme to build a happier, healthier and more engaged workforce.
What are group risk benefits, and how can they help?
Delivering the right group risk benefits can ultimately help both employees and employers.
What the rise in life assurance claims means for employers
Employers are becoming more aware of the risks to their employees – and need to take pre-emptive action to improve their wellbeing.
Effective benefits communication for non-traditional employees
The UK workforce is now more diverse than ever, but how do you effectively communicate your employee benefits with those not working 9 to 5 jobs?
How to mitigate an ageing workforce's impact on insurance premiums
Kevin O'Neill lists his four top ways to reduce the cost of PMI for an ageing workforce.
How is Covid-19 affecting group risk and healthcare insurance policies?
The global coronavirus pandemic has led to significant business challenges. Our Health and Risk Consulting team are keeping a central record of insurer Covid-19 sta…
Lifetime Allowances and Life Cover through Excepted Group Life Policy
From 2019/20 the LTA will be £1,055,000 and there's been a continued increase in the use of EGLPs for employees who already have a high level of benefit in a regist…
The ageing workforce and group risk – how does this affect product design and premiums?
Within living memory the accepted wisdom that we are born, go to school, work, retire and die has been turned on its head. This is true with regard to working past …
Control your PMI costs: three tips
Many employers want to do the right thing by their employees by providing benefits such as Group Private Medical Insurance (PMI), but increasingly cost is the key f…
Top trends in wellbeing to boost innovation
Wellbeing seems to be the “topic du jour” these days. But increasingly I question, what does the term actually mean, are providers being truly innovative and are ma…