Recent developments in longevity
This briefing covers the latest developments in longevity with key takeaways for pension scheme trustees and stakeholders.
DB pension schemes – new fall in life expectancy assumptions?
New information and guidance from TPR is likely to lead to a fall in life expectancy assumptions due to the impact of the pandemic on future deaths.
New mortality model asks schemes to decide pandemic impact
The annual mortality projections model, CMI_2021 requires DB scheme trustees to decide if they feel the pandemic has influenced future mortality rates.
Bulk annuities: focusing on longevity
We examine the impact of Covid-19 on longevity and mortality assumptions — and how this might affect DB pension schemes and bulk annuity pricing.
The CMI’s plan for CMI_2021
The CMI (Continuous Mortality Investigation) has confirmed its plan for the next version of the CMI Mortality Projections Model (CMI_2021).
LGPS longevity update: highlight on 2020
We examine what information we might be able to glean from the latest longevity research and explore what it all means for LGPS Funds.
Covid-19 pandemic: Mortality-related considerations for DB pension schemes
The Covid-19 pandemic has already resulted in a significant number of additional deaths in the UK. In this paper, we consider the impact that this may have on the f…