AAF 01/20 report for pension administration



A report on the internal controls of Barnett Waddingham LLP’s pension administration service, prepared by the Pension Administration Partners of Barnett Waddingham LLP (hereinafter referred to as the 'Partners'), to which is appended an assurance report on internal controls for the period 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024 prepared by Service Auditors solely for the Partners ('the Service Auditor’s Report') is available for viewing and download by visitors to this site who confirm that they have read and agreed to this Notice.

The Service Auditor’s Report has been prepared on a confidential basis in accordance with terms of engagement agreed by the Partners with the Service Auditors.

Following a request by the Partners, the Service Auditors have exceptionally agreed to the posting of the Service Auditor’s Report on this website, on the basis set out in this Notice, to enable readers to verify that a report relating to the internal controls of Barnett Waddingham LLP’s pension administration service and prepared in accordance with the framework set out by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) and the Technical Release 01/20 AAF 'Assurance Reports on Internal Controls of service organisations made available to third parties' issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, has been commissioned by the Partners and issued by the Service Auditors, subject to the remaining paragraphs of this Notice, to which readers' attention is drawn.

The Service Auditors wish readers to be aware that the Service Auditor’s work for the Partners was designed solely to meet their agreed requirements and was determined by their needs at the time.

The Service Auditor’s Report should not be regarded as suitable to be used or relied on by any reader wishing to acquire any rights against the Service Auditors other than the Partners (as a body) for any purpose or in any context. In consenting to the posting of the Service Auditor’s Report on this website, the Service Auditors do not accept or assume any responsibility to any readers other than the Partners (as a body) in respect of the Service Auditor’s work for the Partners, the Service Auditor’s Report, or any opinions that the Service Auditors may have formed and, to the fullest extent permitted by law, the Service Auditors will accept no liability in respect of any such matters to any readers other than the Partners. Should any readers other than the Partners choose to rely on the Service Auditor’s Report, they will do so at their own risk.

AAF report for the period 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024

I have read and agree to the Notice above.