Read our latest update on the Pensions Dashboards Programme, where we bring you essential insights into the evolving landscape of pension connectivity and readiness.

Our fifth update encapsulates key developments within the programme, highlights our preparations at BW, and shares crucial messages from The Pensions Regulator (TPR).

Key developments:

Technical developments:

  • The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has published guidance on a staged approach to connection for Pensions Dashboards, with a revised timeline running from April 2025 to October 2026.
  • Revised TPR guidance: TPR has updated its guidance to urge the industry to adhere to the staged connection timeline, emphasising a phased approach for controlled implementation and risk mitigation.
  • 'Connect By' Date Calculator: TPR has released a calculator to determine connection dates based on scheme membership numbers.

Our progress:

  • Systems development: Our software teams are actively preparing systems to support administrators with their Pensions Dashboards duties. Key focuses include enhancing user experience, ensuring regulatory compliance, and facilitating comprehensive reporting.
  • Data readiness assessment: We've finalised tools to assess data readiness, a crucial step in determining connection methodology and ensuring accurate member identification.

Read the full briefing for further details

Our briefing explains what you can do now in order to stay informed, key governance considerations, the importance of data readiness and contractual and financial planning.

We have also included a guest article from TPR's Interim Director of Regulatory Policy, Analysis and Advice, Louise Davey. Louise introduces TPR's preparation checklist, designed to simplify tasks and facilitate collaboration with administrators.

Download the briefing

Find out the latest updates for the Pensions Dashboards Programme. This fifth update features curent developments, BW's preparations, and TPR's guidance.

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